Saturday, February 7, 2009

5 of 52: A Shining New Era, is Tiptoeing Nearer… Be Prepared

The beginning of the end if you will. The past century has been a magnificent one. One of industrialization, social righteousness, and great magnitude. Sure the British Empire was the greatest this world has ever seen, but that was in a time of the New World. Impoverished nations and third-world countries scattered the globe. The emergence of the United States as the world’s superpower was unmatched as they had to fight all odds to overcome the Royalty of Britain, the Communism of Russia, and the Dictatorships of Germany and Italy. A century of pure power. But all good things must come to an end.

15 degrees and 800,000 people stand on Capitol Hill to witness a black man take the Presidency. The shear will of people to travel there to see a man who just two years ago was virtually unheard off. And Clap. Clap. Clap…. What a speech. People are going crazy. You’d think Mr. Obama was the new messiah, the savior. And he certainly addressed the problems of this crumbling nation. Not struggling, Crumbling.

Personally I don’t think HOPE will change the minds of most financially fucking stupid American’s to continue buying things on credit, we all know they can’t afford.

I don’t think CHANGE will facilitate a new U.S. defense that will step up to the aid of suffering nations. Forget Darfur, Rwanda, Israel/Gaza, and Senegal. Now we only invade countries we have no business occupying.

I don’t think FAITH will fix increasing domestic problems of Drugs, Teenage Pregnancy, Alcoholism, Gun Violence, and the early corruption of this nation’s children.

I don’t see 10,000 Inauguration Balls as the way to raise money for suffering families, while athletes could lose $5 million and would hardly blink.

This isn’t called being Pessimistic, this is called Stark Truth. If you actually look beyond the realm of North America you’ll see that it’s no longer filled with third word countries who have to rely on the United States to "have their back." If you pay attention then you will notice countries like China and India have been buying an obscene amount of airliners and such an outstanding number of nuclear weapons, it would make 1970's Russia cringe.

It's an internal shame that the world no longer wants to follow "The American Dream" because frankly today it's become an oxymoron. Why would the east want to follow the 'world power' when in their country technology, industrialization, and opportunity is at every block. There's no such thing as the epitome of a great nation, as the bars are always being raised. The rest of the world simply caught up.

It's a sad truth but the good years are gone. Even if the problems were minor I don't think Barack would be able to fix them. It's kind of like the longest standing game of Domino's ever. America's been going well; but once one bank crashes, the domino's all start tumbling.

Whenever I see it in my head I see the song "Be Prepared" with Scar in the Lion King, signaling a change that has been biding it's time. And now is Here.

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