Monday, March 22, 2010

11 of 52: The Exclamation Po!nt On a Disappointing Yet Predictable First Year: Universal Healthcare

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. -- Thomas Jefferson

I’ll do something a little different from my previous notes. I’ll present facts and attempt to answer them. If you think you have an alternative by all means go ahead. It's about the Universal Health Care bill that was just passed.

“$940 billion over a decade” – Where’s it coming from?

Surely not our already increasing deficit. Nope, we can’t just print more and more money. That would be immoral... Instead let’s tax the living hell out of every American. Firstly to pay for all the money we’ve used to approve the health care. Secondly…

“The government may pay up to 75 percent of the premium” – So we only have to pay 25 percent right?

Zing….Wrong again. Sure you’ll have to pay 25% of your premium but where do you think the money from the other 75% is coming. Bam, and were back to your taxes again. Your working wages will have even more taxes taken form them and in turn that money will make up the brunt of the 75% that the “government” is being ever so helpful in providing…free of charge.

“Parents would be able to keep children up to age 26 on their family insurance plans, three years longer than is now the case” – Is this too far?

Firstly answer me this… Have you ever heard of a 26 year old child? Thank you for your silence :) You graduate at 22. You get a job within a year. You support yourself. Your parents are no longer required to hold your hand, and you’re an independent.

“Most Americans would be required to purchase insurance, and face penalties if they refused” – So we have no option anymore?

People can’t even pay for their own insurance! How in the heck are they going to pay for theirs and others? Right now you are paying a ton of money to insurance companies who you feel are unjustified in giving you adequate health care. What’s going to happen is you will be paying the government, a MEGA-INSURANCE company, that money instead. And maybe if you had a choice that if you did not have any money then you could not pay for health care, but nope it’s no option. The government needs your money to pay for others expenses.

“This agreement by congress was fair seen as we have a Bipartisan government” – As in really?

Answer is no. This health care was forced down our throats so quick that the Dems knew exactly what they were going to do, and did just that. They’ve had a 60% majority and they knew that eventually with a little pulling of the strings and a condition where ‘none of the money from the new program will be used in abortion’ to satisfy the anti-abortion party, that they could sneak it in. And not even in separate bills to make a general approach to see what works and what doesn’t. ALL AT ONCE. That’s not called capitalism folks. It’s called Socialism. Socialism is a “middle ground” between Capitalism and Communism. Any guesses on which side it leans more too?

“Medicare signed in 1965 worked though” – Can’t universal health care work too then?

Okay I have to actually pause for laughter on Medicare……… The federal government's lead actuary in 1965 projected that the hospital program (Medicare Part A, yes that’s only Part A) would grow to only $9 billion by 1990. The program ended up costing more than $66 billion that year. A single-payer health insurance program is Medicare again… but on magnified scale. You see that little (but not so little) chunk of change called Medicaid on your paycheck? That will INCREASE... drastically.

“Americans will be getting back most of their Social Security” – The money taken from our paycheck will be coming back to us right?

Another laughable moment. What has really become the issue with Social Security? Firstly, it’s kind of ironic that it’s called social security, because it rather seems to be anything but. All we do is worry if were ever going to get it back. Secondly, the word “most” in the statement above worries me. Does most imply 50% or more? World War II vets are still waiting for theirs. When’s it coming? After they’re dead? Don’t plan on seeing yours anytime soon. Thirdly, to relate it back to national health coverage. What happened to Social Security? Well they figured out that they would run out of money to fund it quicker then they thought. So what’s stopping it from happening in this new TRILLION dollar plan?

“Universal Health care works in other countries, why not the U.S, the only industrialized country to not have it.” – Sikeeeeeeeee that was the question.

And no. There are way too many optionally unemployed, welfare receiving, knocked up teens, with no income in this country that will all flood the hospitals, clinics, everything and use the resources so quickly, it will send the government reeling for money and resources to keep supporting this. So the people, who make all the money, so pay all the taxes, will pay for the health care of those that make nothing? Makes sense. Also In order for you to see a doctor you should probably start booking your appointment weeks in advance.

Okay it’s late. I'd prob be up til 8 in the morning if I kept going. 
Any input go right ahead. I’ll read it in the morning :)